Tuesday, April 27, 2010

To God Alone

We all like to think that we're doing the best we can.  We try to be successful with our families and in our jobs.  But did you ever stop and think about who gave you the ability to work hard?  What about who gave you the talents that you use everyday at work?  Your ability to be strong during struggles?  Your peace in hectic times? 

Didn't all of those gifts come from God?  Of course they did!  So, why do we always praise ourselves for the great jobs we are doing?  We should be praising and thanking and giving the glory to Him!
2 Corinthians 12:9 (NIV)     But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.
This verse reminds us that without God, we are insubstantial and weak.  It is only through His power and His grace that we are able to be worth anything. 

If we rely on our own selves and our own strength, we will fail and falter.  It is only through His grace that we are able to accomplish anything.  It is important for us to remember that it is through God that we are blessed; it is through God that we persevere, it is through God that we move forward.  It is not by our own strength.
I pray that you find the humility to admit that everything in your life is because of God.  Thank Him for your victories, thank Him for being faithful through your trials, and thank Him for His unending power and mercy.

Let God take over for your weaknesses and let Him work through your life.  After all, when we allow God to be the Lord of our lives, He doesn't fail.   
To God Alone by Aaron Shust     Can You take me by the hand?  Can You use me as I am?  Break me into who You want me to be.  When the time is finally right, will You open up my eyes?  Show me everything You want me to see.  This life is not my own.  To God alone be the glory.  To God alone be the praise.  Everything I say and do, let it be all for You.  The glory is Yours alone, Yours alone.  Take the offering I bring.  You want more than what I sing.  Can I give You every part of me?  Turn these pennies into gold.  Take this life I call my own, until I'm running after Your heart.  I'm needing to let go.  To God alone be the glory.  To God alone be the praise.  Everything I say and do, let it be all for You.  The glory is Yours alone, Yours alone. We will rise and we will fall; but You remain after all.  You're glorious and beautiful.  You're beautiful.
So the next time you receive a compliment on a job well done or when you find success in an area of your life, stop and consider who really deserves the praise?  Remind yourself that it wasn't through your own ability that you succeeded; God deserves the praise and thanks.  Give the glory to Him for what he has done!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Take Over

Yet again, I struggled today with my control issues.  When am I going to figure this one out?  I really do want to let God control my life; but, tragically, my own control gets in the way.  As much as I know I need Him, I can't seem to give up the control.
Psalm 31:14-16 (NIV)   But I trust in you, O LORD; I say, "You are my God."  My times are in your hands; deliver me from my enemies and from those who pursue me.  Let your face shine on your servant; save me in your unfailing love
Today, I found God in a very humbling way. I was at a lunch meeting for an upcoming mission trip and I had brought a salad with homemade dressing (that is scrumptious, if I do say so myself!). To make a long story short, there was a mix up and my dressing couldn't be used. A silly mistake left me frustrated and in tears as I stood in the kitchen.

Was I seriously crying over salad dressing?  No, I was crying because I was not in control. I wasn't in control of the misunderstanding and I couldn't use my control to magically conjure up more dressing . . . I even lost control of my own emotions as I cried over the sink.

I went on to let that one instance determine my mood the rest of the afternoon. I could barely hold it together as every little frustration tore me up inside. After my tears spilled over once again, a friend sat down to talk with me about it. She reminded me that Satan loves to tear us down through our weaknesses. Satan knew that this tiny instance would ruin my day and he took advantage of that. But, as always, God was there to pick up the pieces.

On the drive home, I heard the song Take Over on the radio and it was just what I needed.  The lyrics matched my heart perfectly.  It was God's way of reaching out to me right where I had fallen.  The song picked me up and it became my honest and heartfelt prayer for today.
Take Over by Aaron Shust    I tried to run, I tried to fight You.  I'm done.  I'm giving up.  I've learned to trust You, Your love.  Now I'm singing: can You take over?  Take over. Can You take over me?  I've been here over and over again, here on my knees.  I'm only closer and closer to where I want to be when You take over.  Take over.  Can You take over me?  I tried before to let go and I just hold on more.  Amazing Lord, I need the strength to let go and be Yours.  So, now I'm singing: can You take over?  Take over.  Can You take over me?  I've been here over and over again, here on my knees.  I'm only closer and closer to where I want to be when You take over.  Take over.  Can You take over me?  I surrender all I have and I surrender all I am as I remember what You've done to set me free.
Let God pick you up today.  Even though you might feel like you have fallen too far from His reach.  Just give it all up.  Give up the worries, the stress, the control - give it all to Him.  He will take over everything, especially the things you have failed at.  Let Him pick you up and He promises to save you with His love. 

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Everything Falls

This post is for every person out there who, like me, wants to control everything.  I think that's one reason that I became a teacher - I can be the little ruler of my kingdom in that classroom.  I like to have things in their place, I like to have order, I like to be in control of the things in my life. 

Lately, I have been really tested by things going on around me.  God keeps reminding me that I'm not the one in control.  As much as I want to be able to be in charge . . . God is the one who's ruling everything in this world.  Even silly things in my daily life that stress me out, He is in control of those, too. 

That realization gives me both relief . . . and terror.  On one hand, it is amazing to know that someone else is in charge.  Someone who knows all and sees all.  We are following such a steadfast Creator.  On the other hand, I wonder, "why do I even try to control the things in my life?  Do I worry and stress every day for nothing?"
John 16:31-33 (NIV)  "You believe at last!"  Jesus answered. "But a time is coming, and has come, when you will be scattered, each to his own home.  You will leave me all alone.  Yet I am not alone, for my Father is with me.  I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart!  I have overcome the world." 
The one thing that I am in control of is myself!  While I can't control the people and circumstances around me, I can control my own attitude and outlook.  I can focus my energy and strength on becoming closer to God - instead of becoming closer to success.  I can work on being patient - instead of worrying about deadlines or shortcomings.  No matter what craziness and chaos surrounds me, the one constant is the Creator of the universe who is by my side through it all. 

Everything Falls by Steve Fee  You said You'd never leave or forsake me.  You said this life is gonna shake me.  You said this world is gonna bring trouble on my soul.  This I know: when everything falls apart, Your arms hold me together.  When everything falls apart, You're the only hope for this heart.  When everything falls apart and my strength is gone, I find You mighty and strong.  You keep holding on.  When I see darkness all around me, when I see tragedy has found me, I still believe Your faithful arms will never let me go.  Sorrow will last for the night, but hope is rising with the sun, it's rising with the sun.  There will be storms in this life, but I know You have overcome, You have overcome. 
He is with you through it all. When everything falls apart around you, God is strong. You just need to remember to hold on to Him, to lean on Him, to hope in Him.